Accordent: The Latest in Video Presentation Technology

You’ve spent a lot of time and money planning your company’s latest meeting. Experts are coming in from all over the country to deliver speeches, presentations have been written, and you’ve put together an impressive audio visual production to make the event look visually appealing and professional. What happens after it’s over and everyone hops on the shuttle to the airport? Imagine the value of a product that will take a recording of your presentation, merge it seamlessly with accompanying slides, and make it available to your attendees immediately.

A leader in the video content management field, Accordent Technologies has two terrific products available to make your meetings work for you long after its conclusion. The Accordent Capture Station comes in two models: a room-based appliance that is perfect for conference rooms or classrooms, and a mobile version that you can take with you, where ever your presentation is, without losing any capability. The Capture Station is simply plugged into an VGA-enabled device and records the audio and or video of your presentation, merges it with accompanying media, and converts it instantaneously into one tidy presentation and ready for on-demand viewing.

The Accordent Media Management System (AMMS) takes your entire presentation to the next level. With the AMMS, your presentation is searchable to the viewer who is looking for a specific part of the speech or a certain slide. An editing tool allows you to refresh your content, add new material, republish into Flash, Silverlight, or even MP3 format if you’d like to make your presentation into a podcast.

AMMS also allows you to monitor usage.  You can determine what viewers search for in your presentation, what parts of the presentation are viewed the most, and monitor its overall effectiveness.

Whether use for webcasting, marketing, or internal training, you can extend the life and value of your meeting, not to mention save valuable time, by having these products do all the work for you.  In my experience, clients intend to create a finished presentation after a meeting, but it often gets put on the back burner and it doesn’t get done for months, if at all. Your content is king and it can be key differentiator between you and your competitors. With these presentation tools, a polished finished product is available for your customers immediately will drive attendees back your website — and your corporate meetings — again and again.

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