Event Design: Catering to Learning Styles (Part 1 of 2)

Last week I had the opportunity to speak to a group at Kendall College. I focused the discussion on a document I created this month based on the art and science of adult learning styles. At Esprit Productions we differ from most event production firms because we take into consideration the various ways that adults process information best.

Next time you produce an event or even an internal meeting please consider that you may have attendees that learn through any of the following styles:

  1. Visual Learning: These are the folks that soak in slides and videos that are rich in text
  2. Auditory Learning: Some people prefer to purely listen, high amounts of visual aids can be a distraction to auditory learners
  3. Kinesthetic Learning: This group gets overlooked the most. A large portion of adults prefer to learn through hands on experience

The best way to make sure that you cover all types of learning styles is to have a little-something for everyone! If you found this interesting, be sure to read my next post covering left and right brain engagement.

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