Face to Face Communication Works Best: 3 Reasons Why

Throughout this rocky economic climate I am continually asked, “Why should I spend money on event production during times like this?” Many companies have elected to replace conferences and meetings with phone calls and emails. While phone calls and emails may save money short-term, they could be causing larger problems that will effect your bottom line.

There are 3 major benefits that can only happen with face to face events:

  1. Physical Feedback: It’s the best way to build  team rapport, honesty and trust
  2. Persuading and Encouraging an Audience: Captivating and interacting with an audience is essential in creating new relationships and most importantly establishing credibility
  3. Positive Recognition and Reinforcement: Instant, in-person recognition and reinforcement boosts employee morale and customer loyalty

Think I missed one? Leave a comment and explain why face to face communication is important for your business.

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