Get Comfortable Behind a Microphone

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics it is estimated that the average American will occupy 7 different careers over their lifetime. Career changes bring new opportunities to develop skills and traits you may have never utilized before. If you’re considering a change of scenery, perhaps you should consider sharpening your public speaking skills.

Being comfortable behind a microphone opens plenty of new opportunities. In fact, an Esprit Productions’ speech coaching alumni has done just that. Former Westchester County DA turned court show host, Jeanine Pirro (above) has shifted careers again. Pirro has recently signed on to host her own talk show this January. Her career path from DA to television personality can be partly attributed to her desire to communicate more effectively.

Being able to command an audience, whether its 5 or 500,000 is an incredible asset to possess. If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a better speaker email me at

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