Increase Business by Concentrating on Customer Service

I was reading the New Yorker online today and saw an article from James Surowiecki. The article discussed the current state of poor customer service across all industries. Surowiecki says, “companies have a roving eye: they’re always more interested in the customers they don’t have”. It may seem obvious, but taking care of your current client’s needs is crucial to succeeding in any business. However, in event production your customer service is often a segue to new business.

In fact, I recently produced an event for Nielsen and our team had a great time putting together a world-class meeting. An outside speaker from a large Midwest company was very pleased to see how we managed each presenter’s media production and stage directed the meeting. We noticed her enjoyment but thought little of it.

A few weeks later we received a note from their organization,  “Deb was impressed by your team’s professional, friendly nature when she was in Vegas for our CEO’s speech there. I agree and hope we can work together in the future”.

The point; put your best foot forward and your potential to bring in new clients will increase tenfold.

Is your company an industry leader in customer service? Tell me why, I’d like to know how you do it!

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