Live From Nielsen Consumer 360 Conference (Part 2 of 3)

It is a luxury to find time to watch a speaker while producing a corporate event. However, I lucked out this week and had a chance to watch Sheryl Sandberg (below), COO of Facebook!

Sheryl’s message was simple and clear; the world is going social, even corporations. She also added one amazing tip to make sure your company is getting the most out of its social media endeavors. Sheryl said, “Consumers don’t want perfection from their brands. They want authenticity”.

Whether you are running a great event production company or the best bakery on the block, your social media pages should reflect you and what your company values!

Does your company have an authentic Facebook page? Leave the link, I’d love to check it out! Also, stay tuned because I will post 1 more update from Nielsen.

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