Matching Your Audience’s Expectations

The pandemic has forced business communicators to move away from live events to now plan and produce virtual conferences as a way to communicate with our main audience of employees, members and customers. Technically there are many virtual conference platform options but its success is not just based on seeing a good picture and hearing what your speakers have to say. The success of live and virtual meetings today is based on what we do with our time together and taking the benefits of face to face communications and making it work digitally. Managing your audiences expectations is at the core of developing trust. Helen Morris Brown, speaking at a TEDex talk on The Psychology of Communicating Effectively in a Digital World makes the point clearly–to be successful in business today you must match the expectations of your stakeholders.

Take a look:

“Mutual trust is created when things go according to plan. There are actually neurotransmitters in our brains that make us feel good when expectations are met.”

Treat texting like you are speaking face-to-face, conversational and exact. Your client will feel acknowledged and rewarded. You will be on your way to meeting their expectations and establishing trust. Whether your communications are in person, or virtual, remember these things:

  • Ask for input – Match your audience’s expectations by asking them what are your challenges and what would they like to talk about?
  • “Walk in your client’s/customer’s/member’s/stakeholder’s shoes” – What you say matters–but only if it matters to your audience.
  • “Walk the talk” – Growing up on the south side of Chicago, you learn to do what you say you are going to do. When you do that, and surround yourself with people who do that, your increase your chance of success.
  • There is almost always an element of selling – Whether you are communicating to a new prospect, an audience or convincing upper management, matching their expectations is critical to your success.
  • Clearly lay out your scope of recommendations/products/services and expected outcomes.
  • Help them visualize what you are saying.  Utilize photos, drawings, floorplans, spreadsheets and detailed budgets.

Matching Expectations to Develop Trust Tips

  • Always tell the truth-even when it hurts
  • If you do not know the answer, say so
  • Never miss deadlines
  • Being good at your job is important…being trusted is essential 

Summary: The Face Value of Matching Your Audience’s Expectations is that when things go according to plan, everyone feels rewarded, trust is created and objectives are achieved.

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