The Formula For Popular TED Talks


Many of us are familiar with TED talks and many have also viewed one or two online or if you are lucky enough, in person. TED is a nonprofit devoting its time to share ideas that they believe are worth being heard. It started out as a conference in 1984 to bring together innovative thinkers from technology, entertainment, and design. Today, TED talks have become an honor for intelligent, creative thinkers to present their personal ideas to the world.

The most popular TED talks to this day all seem to have one thing in common: a formula. The writers of Wired: The First 20 Years shared this special formula:

1%: Sophisticated Visual Aids. Most popular TED talks favor PowerPoint slide shows, quality drawings, or just no props at all.

5%: Opening Joke. This is a good way to engage your audience, and spark their attention as you are beginning your talk.

5%: Spontaneous Moment. Make sure that you do not over prepare. This will allow you to develop a relationship with the audience.

12%: Snappy Refrain. “The TED equivalent of “I have a dream.” Example: “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Repeat 7x.”

23%: Personal Failure. Be relatable and let the audience know if you are nervous or about a time where you did not fit in. This lets them know that you are not of any higher power than they are.

49%: Contrarian Thesis. TED is a place where new ideas and out-of-the-box thinkers come to challenge your predetermined opinions.

If you are invited to speak at a meeting or event, just remember this simple formula and your time in the spotlight could become the idea that solves a major world issue or enlighten the listeners to a whole new way of thinking.


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