Become a Better Public Speaker: Go to the Tape

Competitive runners often video tape their stride to critique their form. PGA members video tape their swing to dissect the mechanics of their performance. To become a better public speaker, try using the same method; grab some video footage of yourself delivering a speech!

Here are 3 things to watch for when reviewing yourself:

  1. Eye Contact: Are you staring at your notes the entire time? Do you only avert your eyes to one portion of a room? By reviewing yourself on tape you’ll be able to figure out how you can improve where your eyes go while speaking
  2. Umms and Ahhs: Find your self inserting a bunch of “umms” and “ahhs” as conjunctions. Practice will make perfect, the more you rehearse your speech the less likely you’ll revert to “umms” and “ahhs”
  3. Show Some Emotion: If you’re putting yourself to sleep when you watch footage, chances are you’ll put your audience to sleep too

Professional athletes watch hours of video, professional speakers should too! However, if you find that you’re not getting much better after a few attempts, send me an email at

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