Close Your Speech Like a Pro

Allow me to set the scene; you gave a commanding introduction. In fact, for the past 10 minutes your audience has been eating out of your hand! Your content is great, your delivery is perfect and every image, sound bite and video clip was well received. Between breakout sessions countless event attendees approach you and explain how they were blown away by your presentation and would like to have you come in and talk to their team soon!

A few weeks pass but you don’t hear from any of your new friends. You didn’t exchange information and you have no means of communicating with these contacts. You’ve lost an opportunity to expand your community for possible sales, better ideas and more connections; Darn! The worst part, this could have been prevented.

Whenever you are asked to give a presentation you should close your speech by providing your contact information. A pro speaker will include their:

  • Email
  • Work Telephone Number
  • Social Media Handle (LinkedIn URL, Twitter name, etc.)
  • Website or Blog URL

It may seem like a simple solution but by providing your contact information, you will give you audience a few different channels of getting in touch with you after the event has closed!

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