Promote Your Event on Lanyrd

In this high tech society we live in, it seems our planet is getting smaller. We have more ways to connect to each other — and market to each other — but sometimes it just feels like we are in one big crowded room. How do you make your company or event stand out?

One of the greatest benefits of social media is the ability to get recommendations and ideas from people you know and trust. Whether you’re looking for a new doctor or a handyman, you can get news of your search out in a Facebook status update or tweet your need for help and the opinions come flooding in. Lanyrd is a social media conference directory. The website contains thousands of events ranging from can be huge music festivals to a small community workshops.

Taken from the word lanyard (of course) the ubiquitous neckwear for events across the globe, the website can be best described as a Wikipedia for conferences. Lanyrd is tightly integrated with Twitter with users login using their Twitter handles to login and identify themselves. When you’re new to Lanyrd, the first conferences you will see are the ones that the people you follow on Twitter are attending.

Lanyrd can be used by event planners in a variety of ways. Firstly, it’s a fantastic way to research who is out there speaking at conferences, or for that matter, attends conferences. Event planners can save themselves hours of time spent researching speakers because it’s already compiled for them on Lanyrd.

Meeting planners can also use Lanyrd as library of information for their own conference after it’s over. Speakers presentations (videos, notes, or even the slides themselves) can be archived on the site.

Lanyrd is also a terrific way to see what events your contacts are attending. If you follow co-workers or industry leaders on Twitter, you can consider attending the same events. Naturally, this is a great marketing tool for meeting planners. Through Lanyard, you can introduce your event to professionals who may never have even heard of your company and you can do all this without spending a dime.

See a conference that you want to attend but your company won’t pay for it this year? No problem: Lanyrd let’s your follow the event virtually. Virtual events are  great opportunity to introduce your company to more people. If they like what they see and hear, then you might get yourself a new attendee next year.




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